Bine ai venit la Academic Parenting!
Programul Academic Parenting vă oferă acces la cursuri și workshop-uri noi în fiecare lună, susținute de specialiști în Psihologie, Educație și Parenting cu baze științifice.
Programul Academic Parenting vă oferă:
Workshop virtual
1 curs/ workshop virtual lunar pe tema lunii respective (realizat de prof. univ. dr Georgeta Pânișoară)
- 1 Q & A virtual lunar cu întrebările dvs. (realizat de prof. univ. dr. Georgeta Pânișoară) - 1 Q & A virtual lunar realizat cu întrebările dvs. (realizat de un psiholog - invitat sau din echipa noastră)
Prompt-uri & exerciții
6 prompt-uri video și exerciții de dezvoltarea a deprinderii exersate
Comunitatea Academic Parenting
Acces la platforma comunității online Acces la grupul de Facebook privat
Podcast Academic Parenting
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New Courses
Curs Martie
Curs Aprilie
Build A Full Web Chat App From Scratch
Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Cloud
The Complete JavaScript Course for Beginner
Popular Courses
The Complete Web Developer Course
Node with React: Fullstack Web Development
The Complete JavaScript Course for Beginner
Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Cloud
Build A Full Web Chat App From Scratch
Meet Our Featured Instructors
They are highly qualified and trained in their areas
Our Happy Students
I thoroughly enjoyed courses from here and hope to expand on my gained knowledge about making apps. The courses as well as the examples are well presented, easy to follow and engaging.
The courses here exceeded my expectations in many regards, especially in the depth of information supplied. In a very non-threatening environment, I learned key principles of design that I can implement immediately.
Excellent content and assignments that build on your knowledge, reinforce, and then expand. I recently secured new employment using PHP and couldn't have done so without the Professional Web Development courses.